Umami Delight: Savory Japanese Chicken and Mushroom Ramen Recipe

Welcome to the world of Japanese cuisine, where we invite you to savor the delightful flavors of our Chicken and Mushroom Ramen recipe. Inspired by the rich culinary traditions of Japan, this dish offers a harmonious blend of tender chicken, earthy mushrooms, and aromatic spices, all simmered together in a fragrant broth. Each slurp of the silky noodles promises to transport you to the bustling ramen stalls of Tokyo, as you indulge in the comforting warmth and umami goodness of this classic dish.

Japanese Chicken and Mushroom Ramen

Indulge in the umami flavors of an authentic Japanese Chicken and Mushroom Ramen with this recipe. This savory dish promises to delight your taste buds and elevate your dining experience. Combining the richness of chicken and the earthy essence of mushrooms, this hearty bowl of ramen offers comfort and satisfaction. Experience the perfect blend of flavors in this exquisite recipe that brings the essence of Japan right to your table.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Japanese
Servings 4 people
Calories 360 kcal


  • 11 pan


  • 2 packs Ramen noodles
  • 1 tsp Miso paste
  • 1 cup Onion
  • 1 cup Chicken pieces
  • 1/2 tsp Japanese fresh herbs
  • 1 cup Water
  • 2 tbsp Minced garlic
  • 1/2 cup Cilantro
  • 1 cup Sliced mushrooms
  • 2 tbsp Olive oil
  • 1/2 cup Water
  • 2 cups Chicken stock
  • 1 cup Chopped tomatoes


  • Take a pan.
  • Add in the oil and onions.
  • Cook the onions until they become soft and fragrant.
  • Add in the chopped garlic.
  • Cook the mixture and add the tomatoes into it.
  • Add the spices.
  • Add the chicken pieces into it when the tomatoes are done.
  • Mix the ingredients carefully and cover the pan.
  • Add the mushrooms and rest of the ingredients except the noodles.
  • Add the mushrooms and rest of the ingredients except the noodles.
  • Let the mixture boil.
  • Add the ramen noodles into the soup mixture.
  • Let the soup cook for ten to fifteen minutes straight.
  • Add cilantro on top.
  • Your dish is ready to be served.



Whether you're seeking a satisfying meal or an exploration of new flavors, our Japanese Chicken and Mushroom Ramen recipe is sure to captivate your senses and leave you craving more. Get ready to embark on a culinary journey that celebrates the essence of Japan in every bowl.
Keyword chicken, mushroom, ramen


Q: Can I use any type of mushrooms for this recipe?
A: Absolutely! While traditionally shiitake mushrooms are used in Japanese ramen, you can experiment with various mushroom varieties such as cremini, oyster, or even dried mushrooms for a deeper flavor profile.

Q: Can I substitute the chicken with another protein or make it vegetarian?
A: Certainly! If you prefer a different protein, you can substitute the chicken with sliced pork, beef, tofu, or even shrimp. For a vegetarian version, simply omit the meat and enhance the mushroom flavor by adding more varieties of mushrooms or vegetable broth.

Q: Can I make the ramen broth in advance?
A: Yes, you can prepare the ramen broth in advance to save time. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days, allowing the flavors to develop even further. When ready to serve, reheat the broth and continue with the recipe.

Q: Can I adjust the spiciness level of the ramen?
A: Of course! If you prefer a milder ramen, you can reduce or omit the spicy ingredients such as chili oil or red pepper flakes. Conversely, if you enjoy a fiery kick, feel free to add more spice according to your taste preferences.

Q: Can I customize the toppings for the ramen?
A: Absolutely! Ramen is versatile when it comes to toppings. You can add soft-boiled eggs, nori seaweed, sliced green onions, bamboo shoots, corn, or any other ingredients you enjoy. Feel free to personalize your bowl of ramen with your favorite toppings.

Q: Are there any gluten-free options for the noodles?
A: Yes, there are gluten-free ramen noodle options available in most grocery stores or specialty Asian markets. Look for noodles made from rice flour, buckwheat, or other gluten-free alternatives to accommodate dietary restrictions.

Q: Can I make a large batch of this recipe for meal prep?
A: Certainly! This recipe can be easily scaled up to make a larger batch. You can prepare the broth and cook the noodles separately, storing them in separate containers. When ready to enjoy, simply heat up the broth, cook the toppings, and assemble your ramen bowl for a quick and convenient meal.

Q: Can I freeze the leftover ramen for later?
A: While the broth and noodles can be frozen separately, it’s important to note that the texture of the noodles may change slightly upon thawing. It’s recommended to consume the ramen within a few days of preparation for the best taste and texture.

Cooking tips

Cooking Tip: To enhance the flavors of your Japanese Chicken and Mushroom Ramen, consider these tips:

1. Use homemade chicken broth: Making your own chicken broth from scratch will add depth and richness to your ramen. Simmer chicken bones, vegetables, and aromatics for a few hours to create a flavorful base.

2. Marinate the chicken: For an extra burst of flavor, marinate the chicken in a mixture of soy sauce, ginger, garlic, and a touch of sesame oil. This will infuse the meat with delicious umami notes.

3. Sauté the mushrooms separately: To maximize the earthy flavor of the mushrooms, sauté them separately with garlic and soy sauce until they are golden brown and tender. Adding them to the ramen later will give them a more intense taste.

4. Don’t overcook the noodles: Pay attention to the cooking time for the noodles. Overcooking can result in mushy noodles, while undercooking can lead to a firm and chewy texture. Follow the package instructions or taste-test them for the perfect al dente consistency.

5. Customize your toppings: Experiment with different toppings to personalize your ramen. Consider adding soft-boiled eggs, thinly sliced green onions, nori strips, sesame seeds, or a drizzle of chili oil to enhance the visual appeal and flavor of your dish.

6. Serve immediately: Ramen is best enjoyed hot and fresh. Once you’ve assembled your bowl with the broth, noodles, and toppings, serve it immediately to maintain the ideal temperature and texture.

Remember, cooking is a creative process, so feel free to adjust the recipe to your taste preferences. Enjoy the journey of creating a delicious bowl of Japanese Chicken and Mushroom Ramen!

Serving Suggestion

To elevate your dining experience with Japanese Chicken and Mushroom Ramen, consider the following serving suggestions:

1. Serve in individual bowls: Ladle the steaming hot broth into individual bowls. This allows each person to customize their ramen according to their preferences.

2. Arrange the toppings: Arrange the cooked chicken slices, sautéed mushrooms, and any additional toppings you desire on top of the broth. This not only adds visual appeal but also allows each person to see and enjoy the various components of the dish.

3. Garnish with green onions and sesame seeds: Sprinkle finely chopped green onions and a sprinkle of sesame seeds over the ramen. This adds a pop of freshness and a delightful nutty flavor to the dish.

4. Add a soft-boiled egg: Place a perfectly cooked soft-boiled egg on top of each bowl of ramen. The creamy yolk will add richness and creaminess to the broth when broken into it.

5. Serve with condiments: Place condiments such as chili oil, soy sauce, or sriracha on the table. This allows each person to adjust the seasoning and spiciness level of their ramen according to their taste.

6. Provide chopsticks and spoons: Set the table with chopsticks and spoons, as both utensils are commonly used to enjoy ramen. The chopsticks are ideal for picking up noodles and toppings, while the spoons are perfect for sipping the flavorful broth.

7. Enjoy with a side dish: Accompany your ramen with a side dish such as a fresh salad, gyoza (dumplings), or edamame for a complete and satisfying meal.

Remember to serve the ramen while it’s still hot to fully enjoy its flavors and textures. Bon appétit!

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